In contrast to other savings models which only exist in individual countries, bausparen has long since established itself in Europe. Every fourth Member State of the European Union is a bauspar country.
After the fall of the Iron Curtain, several countries in Central and Eastern Europe soon opted for a bauspar system along German/Austrian-lines to set up a sustainable housing finance system which is accessible to broad sections of the population. Bauspar systems are also found outside of Europe.
Dedicated bausparkassen laws exist in:
- Germany (1885),
- Austria (1925),
- Slovakia (1992),
- Czech Republic (1993),
- Hungary (1997),
- Romania (2004),
- Croatia (1998) and
- Kazakhstan (2003)
In addition, bauspar contracts have been offered for a long time in Luxembourg and China (since 2004) without a specific bausparkassen law.